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Sri Lanka: Highlights

The highlights of our tour to Sri Lanka were many and varied – some were significant outings, such as the visit to Sigiriya Rock Fortress and others were the smallest of experiences, such as discovering the source of cinnamon. With too many to mention, I have selected a few to describe in detail as a follow up to my recent tour summary post.

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Sri Lanka 2024: The Tour

It was almost a year since we booked a 12 September departure for a twelve day tour to Sri Lanka. It was with mixed emotions that the date to leave was suddenly upon us. On the one hand I was keen to explore a new country, but on the other the thought of an organised tour filled me with trepidation. I need not have been so concerned.

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Prints on Show #5

Along with 100 other entries, an exhibition on the lower ground floor of the Central Plaza in Rundle Mall, Adelaide includes two of my prints on show. As this exhibition runs through the SA school holidays and in such a prominent location, I am particularly proud that my photography is represented.

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Unique Photographs

In 2017, I had the privilege of being selected to photograph the monthly progress of the exterior refurbishment of Flinders Street Station, Melbourne. This followed later in the year with a similar assignment to record the transformation of the State Library Victoria. These projects resulted in extensive libraries of unique photographs.

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Outings: Update

Second Valley

The absence of ‘Outings’ posts recently has not meant that we have been sitting at home with our feet up – quite the opposite. I have been working on an exciting new initiative that some of you might be interested in, but more about that later. In the meantime, I am pleased to give a brief account of a few recent activities.

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Outings: Second Valley Forest

Second Valley Forest

Tuesday 30 July

We were planning to go for a hike on Saturday, but the forecast was for intermittent rain showers all day. We therefore decided to wait until Sunday, but watching the rain dripping down the windows at breakfast, perhaps it was not such a good idea.

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Outings: Adelaide

My first visit to Adelaide occurred on 22 April. After settling into our new home over a few months, I thought it was about time to pay a solo visit to Adelaide with my camera. As it transpired, this was to be the first of a few visits since then, so the following is a bit of a compendium of photos from a few outings.

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Outings: Kuitpo Forest

After a few weeks devoid of any kind of serious bushwalking due to some health issues, we decided it was time to rectify our lack of activity. After looking for a walk that was reasonably close by and not too challenging or long, we decided on the 10 km Christmas Hill Forest Reserve loop walk in the Kuitpo Forest. The ‘All Trails’ App reviews were all very positive, but none mentioned a fundamental flaw in the route described, which we only discovered towards the end of the trail.

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Outings: Yorke Peninsula

Having recently joined one of the local photography clubs, South Coast Camera Club, I decided that the upcoming club outing to Yorke Peninsula would be a great opportunity to get to know a few of the members and to visit the Yorke Peninsula for the first time. Since it was a club event, we decided that I would go solo, a first in our newly acquired caravan.

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Tuesday 7 May - Deep Creek National Park

Outings: Deep Creek National Park

Tuesday 7 May - Deep Creek National Park

After a busy day in the garden (K) and shed (me) on Monday, Tuesday was a good day to continue exploring our new neighbourhood. Deep Creek National Park was on our list, so we identified two potential circuit walks. The first of these was the 6km Arron Creek Circuit Hike. As this was listed as grade 3, we decided to walk this in the morning and, if we survived, we would tackle the second, the 4.7km grade 1 Spring Wildflower Walk, in the afternoon.

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