

Outings: Adelaide

My first visit to Adelaide occurred on 22 April. After settling into our new home over a few months, I thought it was about time to pay a solo visit to Adelaide with my camera. As it transpired, this was to be the first of a few visits since then, so the following is a bit of a compendium of photos from a few outings.

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TAS2023 – A tale of two waterfalls

Mount Roland on the way to Lemonthyme Lodge Wilderness Retreat

During a recent three week visit to Tasmania for two weeks work and one week play, I managed to spend some of my downtime seeking out a few waterfalls. To assist me to identify waterfalls to visit, I refer to two volumes of ‘Waterfalls of Tasmania’ published by Craig Doumouras and his associated website. Two locations I visited, Lilydale Falls and Lemonthyme Lodge Wilderness Retreat, were dramatically different in terms of the hiking experience and the results.

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Maldon Portrait Prize

One wall of the exhibition

The Maldon Artist Network (MaNet) has uploaded the entries to the 2022 Maldon Portrait Prize (MPP) for the purposes of audience choice voting. There is a cash prize for each of the two sections: painting and photography, so I invite you to review the entries and place your vote. BUT before you do that, please read the back story about my entries one of which was selected as one of the 23 finalists.

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Project: Grain Harvest

In my post ‘Visiting Sea Lake’, I mentioned that the reason for the visit was to work in the grain harvest. Although this was aimed at filling in some time, the primary reason was to learn more about how the grain industry works. The seed was sown during our return trip through the WA wheat belt – where the paddocks of wheat were endless and workers were in short supply. So, this post summarises what I managed to glean from my fellow workers, truck drivers and farmers (and a bit of on-line research).

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