Prints on Show #3

Having dabbled in exhibiting one or two of my photographs here and there during the past few years, I decided about twelve months ago to stage a more comprehensive exhibition of my prints on show. The first step was to book a space and the second was to decide on a theme – the first being easier than the second. The result is a month long exhibition during March to the opening of which all my readers are invited

The Gallery

As this is my first theme based exhibition of a number of images, I felt that a local venue would satisfy my initial requirements. The Gallery Mount Macedon was my first choice. It has a space to one side of the main gallery that artists can ‘hire’ for a month and the gallery assists with marketing including access to their social media networks and local news media.

One of my preliminary concerns is that the gallery is set back from the road which usually doesn’t have lots of passing traffic. However, March is the start of the season where the Macedon Ranges enjoys a significant increase in the number of visitors and it kicks off with Labour Day long weekend.

So, I will be interested to see how many visitors make It in to view my photographs.

Exhibition Theme

Deciding on a theme, however, proved rather more challenging, to the point that there were a couple of occasions when I almost cancelled the booking (but I am now glad I didn’t).

My initial idea was to present a series of local Macedon Ranges photographs. However, I did not have many of these in my library and, although I have a few photos that meet my exacting standards, this genre is not yet my strongest,.

Through discussions with a couple of my photographer colleagues and recognising my own strengths, I eventually settled on ‘Abstracts’ as a theme. This allows me to illustrate my journey from architectural abstract subjects to my more recent organic abstracts of the natural environment.

The Exhibition

The exhibition commences on Tuesday 7 March and concludes on Saturday 1 April at the gallery, 684 Mount Macedon Road (behind the Trading Post café) (closed on Wednesdays and Thursdays). It comprises a total of 12 images presented as framed prints and on acrylic and brushed aluminium all of which are available for purchase.

I have selected these photographs from my Balcony, Facade and Salt Collections.

The official opening, to which you are invited, is on Saturday 11 March at 14:00 when I will talk a bit about the stories behind each of the photographs – I hope to see you there.

The concept of my abstract images is to challenge the viewer to come to their own interpretation of what it is or what it represents. Although I provide my interpretation of one of the Salt Collection images, I have left two to viewers’ imaginations. In doing so, I am requesting viewers to tell me what they think. The most imaginative interpretation will win a mounted print of the relevant image.

My skilful partner has also made a couple of cushion covers that feature two contrasting images – one of a bird and the other, a landscape.

Finally, I plan to produce a commentary for visitors to access via a QR code – this will provide them with the background to each of the photographs as they view them in situ.

Woodend Lions Club

Coinciding with my exhibition opening day, the 11 March is the first of three days of the annual Woodend Lions Club Art Show. For the third year in a row, I have submitted a couple of photographs, so if you are coming to my exhibition opening, I encourage that you also visit this show being held at St Ambrose Hall, Templeton Street, Woodend.

My submissions to this show are more traditional, with one being a shot of Erskine Falls near Lorne and the other being of the boatshed at Dove Lake in Tasmania.

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