Prints on Show #1

Post Covid 19, I am planning to spend more time and resources as an addition to my project work on promoting my photography through displaying framed prints at galleries, exhibitions, competitions and other relevant venues. I am pleased to kick start this with a couple of opportunities of prints on show for the public to view my work.

Woodend Lions Club Art Show 2022

Last year I entered the Woodend Lions Club Art Show with a couple of framed abstract images that I felt would fit nicely into the ‘Art’ aspect of the show. One of these, ‘Into the Light’, was a finalist in the Mullins Conceptual Photography Prize 2021 a print of which I subsequently donated to the Muswellbrook Regional Arts Centre.

Into the Light

But I could not have been more wrong – the winning photograph was a fairly pedestrian landscape. So, I decided to hedge my bets this year and enter two images, one of a local landscape and one abstract:

Conglomerate Gully

Conglomerate gully is located to the west of Riddells Creek, accessed via Wheelwrights Road. It offers a circuit walk of 2.9km rich in native flora and fauna. This reserve is probably one of Macedon Ranges best kept secrets, but one which should be more widely appreciated by more than the many locals who enjoy its many attractions.

To the west of the uphill clockwise track lies the gully that, more often than not, is merely a series of pools.

After a number of days of rain in January, I was confident that water would be flowing and made a special visit to explore possible opportunities to capture a decent flow of water. This photograph is the highlight of my visit.

Technical information: Nikon D810, 24 – 70 mm f2.8 lens at 24mm with ND10 filter, ISO 64, 20 sec, f5.6

What the ****?

This aerial shot was taken by drone at Lake Tyrrell in Victoria’s Mallee region. Lake Tyrrell is the largest of Victoria’s salt lakes, close to the township of Sea Lake, where I spent some weeks during the last quarter of 2021 (see my posts ‘Visiting Sea Lake’ and ‘Visiting Lake Tyrrell’. It offers some amazing photographic opportunities due to its ever changing nature – sometimes it is dry, other times it has water and the colours vary dramatically between early morning, midday and late evening.

By the title, I have intentionally left this shot to the imagination of the viewer, to interpret what they see in it!

Technical information: Mavic 2 Pro, with Hasselblad L1D-20c camera, 28 mm lens, ISO 200, 1/1000 sec, f4.0


The 2022 Art Show, being held at St Ambrose Hall, Templeton Street, Woodend, is open during the Labour Day weekend, Saturday 12/03, Sunday 13/03 and Monday 14/03.

Milko Coffee Shop


When I visited Woodend to drop off the entries for the Art Show, I dropped in to Milko Coffee Shop for a coffee and noticed that they displayed a few works of art and that they had a blank wall. On enquiring about the possibility of displaying one of my framed prints for sale, it was agreed that I could occupy the blank wall

I reckoned that a local photograph would be most attractive for regulars to view and visitors to perhaps dig deep and buy. I decided that this shot of the Metcalfe Cascades could work:

Located about 1km to the west of the small township of Metcalfe, deep in the Victorian goldfields area, the Cascades are one of a number of features of the Coliban River. This part of the river is normally very slow moving with many still shallow pools formed in the rocks, connected by narrow streams of water. In this condition, it is ideal for children, young and old, to play and relax in the water.

The banks of the river offer picnic tables and easy access to the edge of and across the rocks and, as such, the Cascades are a popular summer destination.

I had visited the cascades on a number of occasions when they were in its tranquil state, but realised that after heavy rainfalls, the flow would significantly change the whole character of the location. It was this that I aimed to capture with my camera. So, after a few days of rain, I ventured back with my camera and tripod with a clear picture in mind of the type of shot I was after. The image above is the result.

The long shutter speed smooths out the flowing water and illustrates the swirling patterns it makes as it tumbles over the rocks.

Technical Information: Nikon D810, 24 – 70 mm f2.8 lens at 50mm with ND10 filter, ISO 64, 15 sec, f10


This print will be on display and available for purchase during the coming weeks, so if you are in the area, drop in to Milko for a coffee and see this image printed (there is nothing like the printed image): Milko, 118-126 High St, Woodend VIC 3442

More to come!

I will keep you posted on more opportunities to view my printed work, including the upcoming ‘Magnificent Macedon’ exhibition presented by the Macedon Ranges Photographic Society and the Sky Mirror Gallery in Sea Lake.

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