How do the natural and built environments interact?


On a recent break in Bonny Doon, my wife and I stayed on a farm property belonging to the family of a friend that used to run sheep and cattle. Apart from being in an idyllic setting the farm outbuildings offered some interesting photographic opportunities, including the abandoned shearing shed.

The last time the shed was used for the purpose it was intended for was 1999 when 117 sheep were shorn, according to the tally on one of the posts. Since then it has been left to its own destiny, which you will see from this photograph is a gradual reclamation by nature. It makes me wonder how long it will take for the shed to totally succumb to the unstoppable advance of nature.

In many respects this was one of the inspirations behind my imminent study tour.

When we build things, we impact on nature by taking away natural habitat and by utilising natural resources. It should be no surprise therefore that, when we no longer require our buildings and infrastructure, nature reclaims what it once provided.

My 2017 study tour of Outback Australia is aimed at capturing images that illustrate:

  • How the built environment impacts on nature
  • How nature impacts on the built environment
  • How the natural and built environments co-exist
  • How nature inspires design and management

Traveling from regional Victoria to the Kimberley via Lake Eyre, this tour will last six weeks, during which time I will upload images to a dedicated gallery on my web site and post blog articles. Bearing in mind that internet access will dictate where and when I can do this, please check in to follow my progress.

More information at: 2017 Study Tour

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