TAS2020: Day 11

The view south from the Edgar Dam causeway at the south end of Lake Pedder

Even the best laid plan can take a turn in a different direction, either for the better or for the worse. In our case it was for the worse, at least initially as it worked out OK in the end. But more about that later.

I am bit behind in writing my daily updates – you will have received days 5 & 6 together – I prepared them on the way when we did not have internet access. It is now day 09, so here is a brief summary which I may expand upon when I have more time.

Day 07

This was another full day in the Government Huts at Mount Field. It started off very misty and ended up very rainy. So, in the morning we did the walk to Platypus Tarn. At the start we were very much in the mist, but as we descended a very rocky narrow track it started to clear and when we arrived at the tarn it was very clear and still. It was the most peaceful tranquil place you could imagine – the water was like a mirror, the air was filled with the chorus of frogs croaking and birds singing and not another human in sight! The only problem was that we thought it should be renamed mosquito tarn for obvious reasons, but also because there was not a single platypus to be seen, not even a ripple. So much so that we went to Lake Dobson just before sunset for this reason – we saw a few ripples in the middle of the lake, but no close sighting. Kerena’s quest continues.

Day 08

With a bit of sadness, we left the huts to check out the weather forecast at the reception 16km down the ‘hill’ as this was to influence our next overnight stay. Based on this we stuck to our original plan to head for the south side of Lake Pedder. At the camp site adjacent to Mount Field National Park reception, we managed to have a much needed shower before setting off.

We had a choice of two free campsites. Having inspected both, we set up camp at Edgar Dam. We were the only campers there and the only other life was the Padymelons and pesky birds. We lit a fire to keep us warm as we had dinner, but the evening got colder and wetter. By the time we went to bed it was non-stop rain! It was also one of the coldest nights we have spent in the tent

Day 09

Due to the lack of potential walks and the poor weather outlook, we decided to cut our stay short and head back down to Mount Field campsite, via the Gordon Dam.

We didn’t manage to pack up until about 11:00, a bit slack as we were undecided what we were doing. Decision made, we headed of along 30 km of gravel road and then the same again on bitumen arriving at the Pedder Wilderness Lodge where we pulled in to check it out for the sake of interest – little did we know we would be staying there overnight!

About another 2km further on towards the dam we pulled into a lookout over Lake Pedder for lunch. When I started the car and reversed there was clearly something wrong – the differential had locked up! On checking the manual, it advised to take to the nearest Toyota dealer – we could not have been further away from one and no mobile reception. So, we set out to walk back to the Lodge to make a call to RACT. A very nice young couple stopped to offer us a lift for the last 300 metres – we accepted. To cut a long story short, we received advice from then RACT about how to unlock the diff and, if that didn’t work, it would be a tow into to Hobart.

The receptionist very kindly lent us her car to go back to the lookout where I managed to unlock the diff and Kerena drove it back to the Lodge. While we were dealing with RACT, we realised that it would be too late to find a campsite, so we had booked a room for the night – an unexpected luxury! The car is now running fine, but we need to keep an eye on it.

PS: It is now Day 11 and we are in New Norfolk. A week before we left, I damaged my left shoulder and had it treated a couple of times by my osteopath. It was coming good, but I managed to get into an awkward position while at the Government Huts which set it right back to where it started. Since then, it has been very painful, limiting the time I can type or process images, hence the delay in posting. I have an appointment with a Chinese remedial clinic this afternoon, so I am hoping to get some relief. This also means that I am behind with some photos, but I will post quite a few when I feel better able to work on the laptop – possibly around Christmas Day.

With many thanks to: RACT, Pedder Wilderness Lodge, especially their receptionist, my mate Rick back in Victoria.

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