

Sri Lanka 2024: The Tour

It was almost a year since we booked a 12 September departure for a twelve day tour to Sri Lanka. It was with mixed emotions that the date to leave was suddenly upon us. On the one hand I was keen to explore a new country, but on the other the thought of an organised tour filled me with trepidation. I need not have been so concerned.

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Outings: Adelaide

My first visit to Adelaide occurred on 22 April. After settling into our new home over a few months, I thought it was about time to pay a solo visit to Adelaide with my camera. As it transpired, this was to be the first of a few visits since then, so the following is a bit of a compendium of photos from a few outings.

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VIC 2023: Falls Creek

Pretty Valley Pondage

After 25 days of continuously working at an event in Adelaide, a day off on Christmas Day, a 720 km day drive back to Victoria and a 370 km day drive to Falls Creek on 27/12, it was time to relax and enjoy a few days of bushwalking. For me, this was both a new location and a new experience in the form of a bushwalking club base camp. However, little did I know that I would have a bit more relaxation than planned for!

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VIC2021: The Walks – Cumberland River

It was with great expectations of a couple of good walks that we set out for a two night stay in a Lorne hotel that had been booked a year previously, but had been postponed twice due to Covid 19. Arriving on a wet and rainy Saturday afternoon, we planned our 8.6km circuit walk for the next day that would take in three waterfalls. However, our plans unravelled very quickly when we arrived at the setting off point, Allenvale Mill Car Park.

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