Construction photography


Photographing Flinders Street Station

In July 2016 I wrote about the features images I took of Flinders Street Station. These were for a contractor’s submission for the repair and refurbishment of the station. The contractor, Built Pty Ltd, was successful with their submission and has subsequently appointed me on behalf of Major Projects Victoria to take the progress photographs of the project.

Located on the corner of Swanston and Flinders Streets and stretching a block and a half along Flinders Street, the station’s administration building is one of Melbourne’s 20th century icons.

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Construction photography

Rooftop assignment

On top of a 9 metre high slightly sloping roof of an engineering workshop is not where I would normally choose to be, but the opportunity to photograph the installation of 132 solar panels was too much to miss.

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Flinders Street Station – close up

Thousands pass through it every day, but how many notice it’s classic design?

Flinders Street Station is one of the many Melbourne architectural icons that present great backdrops for visitor and tourist photographs. Yet the majority of the photographs of the building are taken from across the street or attempt to capture the whole building from an immediate proximity.

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