Prints on Show #4

Photo: Colleen Mahoney Photography

My previous ‘Prints on Show #3’ described two opportunities for the public to view and purchase a selection of my printed photographs. The first of these is my ‘Abstracts’ exhibition and the second is the Woodend Lions Club Art Show, for both of which I am pleased to provide an update.

Abstracts at The Gallery Mount Macedon

I set up this exhibition on Monday 6 March with the assistance of members of the gallery. Having planned exactly where each print was to be positioned, this was a relatively straightforward exercise. Within 90 minutes everything was ready for viewing.

My final task before leaving the exhibition in the capable hands of the gallery members was to take a few video clips for insertion into the video I was preparing (more about this later).

The next major milestone was the opening that was held on Saturday 11 March at which I gave a talk about the prints on show. One of the many tasks in the weeks preceding the opening was to let as many people as possible know about the exhibition, so my marketing included:

  • Personal invitations to a number of family members, friends, neighbours, colleagues and photography and bushwalking club members
  • Adverts posted on as many local notice boards as I could find
  • The gallery social media promotion and an article in the Gisborne Gazette

Based on those activities, the big unknown was the potential attendance at the opening. On the day, the attendance was about 40, a result which I was delighted with. Wine, soft drinks and nibbles were served as everyone arrived to view the exhibition before I gave a short commentary about my photographic journey and the selected images. Of course, everyone was able to view the other varied artistic work of the gallery members, so it was great exposure for the gallery as a whole. Blessed with beautiful Mount Macedon early Autumn weather, I delivered my commentary under the canopy of vines outside the front door of the gallery.

I was pleased to see many of my visitors participating in the ‘What do you see 02?’ competition. This invites viewers to tell me how they interpret one of the images, with the most imaginative winning a mounted print of that image. At the latest count, there are about 40 entries. I will be reviewing these at the end of the exhibition to select the winner.

With regard to the video, I mentioned earlier, I recorded the commentary in advance as a description to each the exhibition images. There is a QR code for accessing the video at the exhibition, so if you are planning to visit the exhibition, I encourage you to view the images before running the video while you are there.

However, if you are unable to visit the exhibition, or if you have already attended and wish to see the video, here this is the link:

Many thanks to Colleen Mahoney for taking photos and videos of the event

Woodend Lions Club Art Show

Having submitted two framed prints to the annual Woodend Lions Club Art Show I visited it yesterday to view the wide range of art on display. I was delighted to see that one of my prints had been sold. With the rest of today still to go, I might get lucky and sell the other.

The organisers were delighted with the number of entries and the number of works sold, commissions on each adding to their fund raising, a successful event for all!

Boatshed: sold
Erskine Falls: still for sale

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