Having completed the Eurobin Falls Track earlier in the morning, my next stop 6 km up Mount Buffalo Road was the Rollasons Falls Track. This was listed as 1.9 km to the lower falls and 2 km tom the upper falls. In actual fact if you walk to both the total distance is 2.5 km. The Mount Buffalo National Park visitors guide advises that there is a short steep section at the end. This, in my opinion, is a bit of an understatement with regard to both ‘short’ and ‘at the end’.
The car park is immediately adjacent to the main road with cars parked at 90 degrees. The start of this track is a picnic area with quite a few (very damp) picnic tables and a drop toilet. In only 7 degrees and a very overcast sky, I set off with the anticipation of another couple of waterfalls photograph opportunities. From the start the track started to descend, gently at first, but increasing in steepness on the way down, including some ‘hairpin bends’, necessary to negotiate the change in level.

At the 1.7 km mark there is a ‘T’ junction and decision time! To the left is the track to the lower falls and to the right is the track to the upper falls. Having been advised by a fellow walker that the lower falls were more interesting than the upper, I opted for the right hand branch. On reaching the base of the falls, there were signs advising that the rocks were very slippery and to take great care. The signs were not understatement – the rocks were treacherous! Usually reasonably adventurous, I took heed and treaded very wearily. So much so that I took twice as long taking the photos and avoided taking an extra risk to get ’the shot’. However, I was very pleased with what I managed to capture.

Back at the junction, I was feeling a bit tired and debated about going to the upper falls. Curiosity go the better of me, so off I went on the next 200m to the top of the falls. They were a bit disappointing, but I marvelled at the clarity of the water – it was crystal clear and the vibrant colour of the rocks.

By the time I reached the junction again and ready for the climb back up to the car park, I really was feeling very weary. I think this was, in part, due to the effort on the slippery rocks, but also the relentless climb.
The last half of the return climb was very slow in the drizzle that had already started, but making it back to the car park, I noted that mine was the only car left! I guess everyone else had noted the weather forecast and had headed back to somewhere dry and warm.
This was one of those walks that towards the end one wonders ‘Why am I doing this?’, but afterwards, back in the car, it all becomes worthwhile.
As usual, there are more photographs in this web site gallery and I welcome any comments you may about your own experiences below, thank you for reading.